CCIE Collaboration Lab NFS tidbits for Windows

Given the cost of storage for servers, you may want to use NFS for your CCIE lab.  If you are using Windows 10 and have a mass amount of storage on say your desktop vs your server, you could use a program called FreeNFS.  First download and install it, then run it and configure it from the directory where you would like to use it.  After this, connect to it using ESXi and validate you can access it.  Once you have done this, you can use NSSM to add FreeNFS as a service to run when your desktop boots.  I use it for all my VMDK backups to work around the 60 day demo licensing for my lab.  As well, if you are lacking resources, ensure you are thin provisioning your VM's and you can even go so far as using OVFtool to tweak the resources of each VM to dwindle them down to the 850Mhz range of processor usage.

Links to both:

Lastly, should you have issues with ESXi inactive NFS shares, the best solution to avoid having to reconfigure any hosts is to use the CLI.

esxcli storage nfs remove -v <DATASTORE>
esxcli storage nfs add -H <HOST> -s <MOUNTPOINT> -v <DATASTORE>


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